If you have taken lots of pictures doing these activities then I am sure you are looking for some great fall border ideas! Check out the photos sent to me by a fellow consultant. She has used the new pumpkin and rustic fence border maker cartridges in some very creative ways. If you haven’t invested in this system yet now is the time! It is a fantastic tool with so many options and Creative Memories is continuing to add more cartridges each month or so. Click here to go directly to the Border Maker Page on my shopping site! This would also be an excellent item to add to your holiday wish list!
My favorite border is this new sunflower chain! Can you believe the stem of the sunflower is the evergreen maker upside down, the tree tops are cut off? (Note: the evergreen maker is no longer available on the CM website but if you really want one let me know and I can see if there are any in stock in my unit) If you attend my upcoming overnight, I will have the entire Border Maker System with all the cartridges and you can try before you buy!
I look forward to reading feedback from you! And don’t forget to keep reading, commenting, and forwarding to friends! As I said in my earlier blog, I am going to Raffle off TWO $10 FREE Product Certificates! Here is how you can win:
· LIKE me on Facebook and get an entry
· SUBSCRIBE to my Blog and get an entry
· REFER friends to both sites and get an entry (have friend send me a message with your name in order to qualify) - Each referral gets one entry!
· I will pick a winner on November 14th – just in time to kick off my Black Friday Weekend Shopping Specials! Stay tuned…
Click here to go directly to my CM Shopping Site!
What great ideas, Carol! I cannot wait to make some of these at the November overnight! I have all of the cartridges (so far!) and am happy to let any of your other customers try them out! This is by far my favorite CM Product to come out ina long long time!!!